Mission Statement
The Geopolymer International Association has been formed to bring individuals, associates and companies together to support and promote the uses and applications of Geopolymer products worldwide. The Association will encourage, cultivate and unite like-minded Association Members globally to collaborate and share positive research, development and advantages that directly benefit the world’s eco-environments by using revolutionary, eco-friendly Geopolymer solutions.
Geopolymers are inorganic materials with a polymer structure of molecules. They possess high strength and a range of specific properties. They are called “geopolymers” because the raw materials used for their production are mainly minerals of geological origin.
The term “geopolymer” was coined by French chemist Joseph Davidovits in 1978.
Examples of geopolymer cement used in construction can be found in Australia, Ireland, the United States, and Russia to name a few. For instance, in 2014 an entire airport in Brisbane, Australia was constructed with a concrete based on geopolymer binders. In the United States, special high strength geopolymer concretes have been used for airfield and road repairs. Metropolitan tubings and elements of load bearing structures are also produced.
In Russia, the development of similar materials started in 1950s. The research was conducted by the Kiev Institution of Civil Engineering, guided by Glukhovskiy V.D. Various objects were built including civil and industrial construction. Examples include a residential house in Lipetsk, part of the railroad concrete ties in Moscow, a motorway in Magnitogorsk, and surfacing of the tank training battlefield near Chelyabinsk, to name a few.

Geopolymer cement is chemically inert to a range of aggressive substances, and remains sturdy in severe climates. In comparison to traditional concrete production technology based on portland cement, geopolymer has been shown to possess superior results in strength, durability, freeze-thaw resistance, fire resistance, heat insulation, corrosion and aggressive substance resistance including some types of acids.
In addition, the use of geopolymer reduces CO2 emissions by up to 90%, compared to portland cement production. Geopolymer can be formulated to actually re-use and recycle industrial byproducts.
Technical Specifications
- High Level of Freeze-thaw resistance
- Fire Resistance
- Thixotrophy
Adjustable Setting Time
from 0 to 180 minutes - Resistance to Corrosion
- Resistance to Thermal Shock
- Fire Resistance
- Flowability
Constantly High Strength
Compressive strength over 100 MPa, flexural strength over 13 МPа - Resistance to akalis, salts and acids
Geopolymers are chains or networks of mineral molecules linked with co-valent bonds. They have following basic characteristics:
- a) Nature of the hardened material:
- X-ray amorphous at ambient and medium temperatures
- X-ray crystalline at temperatures > 500°C
- b) Synthesis Routes:
- alkaline medium (Na, K, Ca) hydroxides and alkali-silicates yielding poly(silicates) – poly(siloxo) type or poly(silico-aluminates) – poly(sialate) type
- acidic medium (Phosphoric acid) yielding poly(phospho-siloxo) and poly(alumino-phospho) types
As an example, one of the geopolymeric precursors, MK-750 (metakaolin) with its alumoxyl group –Si-O-Al=O, reacts in both systems, alkaline and acidic. Same for siloxo-based and organo-siloxo-based geopolymeric species that also react in both alkaline and acidic medium.
In the late 1970’s, Joseph Davidovits, the inventor and developer of geopolymerization, coined the term “geopolymer” to classify the newly discovered geosynthesis that produces inorganic polymeric materials now used for a number of industrial applications. He also set a logical scientific terminology based on different chemical units, essentially for silicate and aluminosilicate materials, classified according to the Si:Al atomic ratio:
This terminology was presented to the scientific community at a IUPAC conference in 1976.
Geopolymers are presently developed and applied in 10 main classes of materials:
- Waterglass-based geopolymer, poly(siloxonate), soluble silicate, Si:Al=1:0
- Kaolinite / Hydrosodalite-based geopolymer, poly(sialate) Si:Al=1:1
- Metakaolin MK-750-based geopolymer, poly(sialate-siloxo) Si:Al=2:1
- Calcium-based geopolymer, (Ca, K, Na)-sialate, Si:Al=1, 2, 3
- Rock-based geopolymer, poly(sialate-multisiloxo) 1< Si:Al<5
- Silica-based geopolymer, sialate link and siloxo link in poly(siloxonate) Si:Al>5
- Fly ash-based geopolymer
- Ferro-sialate-based geopolymer
- Phosphate-based geopolymer, AlPO4-based geopolymer
- Organic-mineral geopolymer
Taken from https://www.geopolymer.org/science/introduction/
Main Properties
Chemical Resistance
High resistance to various acids and aggressive substances.
Superior Waterproof Properties
Excellent waterproof properties are achieved thanks to its inherent mesoporous structure.
Thermal Resistance
Temperature resistant to over 1000 C and to low temperatures as well.
Fire Resistance
Unlike ordinary portland cement-based concretes, water in geopolymer concretes easily evaporates and does not explode the concrete from inside.
Thermal Insulation Properties
Materials and plasters using high-quality aggregates and geopolymer have superior thermal insulation.
Fast Strength Development
Geopolymer concrete develops about 50% of its final strength in the first three days.
Geopolymer cement production reduces CO2 emissions by 90% compared to portland cement production.
Utilisation of by-products
Utilizes waste and byproducts of existing industries.
High Efficiency
Higher level compressive strength and axial tension strength, freeze-thaw resistance, water impermeability and resistance to abrasion.
Cost Effectiveness
Speed of the project implementation increases due to fast strength development. No additives or modifiers are needed.
Ecological Considerations
Environmental Impact and Sustainability
With population growth and the corresponding increasing demand in concretes and cements, ecological aspects of building have become a major concern of our generation. The portland cement industry is the second largest producer of CO2 globally.
Introduction of the geopolymer technology in the production of concrete and cement gives the following environmental benefits in comparison with traditional portland cement production:
- reducing CO2 emissions up to 90% in production process;
- a minimum 60% less impact on the environment by reducing the need to extract of raw materials;
- Recycle and reuse of wastes and by-products of the existing industries.
Geopolymer cement is a material of the future. It reduces the global warming impact by reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. It has a far more eco-friendly production process and actually uses various industrial wastes and by-products. Buildings constructed with Geopolymer cement earn additional LEED points compared to conventional construction materials.


Examples of industries where geopolymer cement products can be applied:
- General construction
- Earthquake-proof construction and buildings
- Concrete Blocks
- Road construction
- Concrete pavements
- Eco-friendly green building
- Concrete floors
- High-strength fiber-concretes
- Containers and tanks for various liquids
- Pre-cast concrete
- Bridge construction
- Railroad slippers
- Modular houses
- 3D-printing
- Sewer systems
- Various infrastructural projects
- Fire-proof systems
- Radioactive substances containment/encapsulation systems
- Marine structures
- Piles, foundations and other subterranean structures
- Petrochemical construction
- Architectural construction
- Architectural design and decoration
- Countertops, panels and other concrete goods
- Thermal insulation material
Why a Certification?
The Geopolymer International Association was created by industry leaders to help maintain the quality of the geopolymer industry. There is a major misconception between geopolymer concrete/mortars, and alkali-activated concrete/mortars. This confusion in the industry is significant because the characteristics of geopolymer cannot be obtained with alkali-activated concretes. Without the proper chemical formula and mixing methods, most alkali-activated concretes will not only dissolve in water, but will also leach salts from the material, making it unusable. Therefore, our aim is to set a standard of production for geopolymer concrete through a certification process.
Alkali-Activated VS Geopolymer

Standards for Certification:
- Only non-hostile formulas
- Must conduct 6 testing methods as laid out by Davidoits to provide:
- Compression strength
- Tensile strength
- Water resistance
- Fire resistance
- Acid resistance
- Freeze/Thaw resistance
- Must be tested by an independent 3rd party lab